TCS Cave Map Standards

The Tennessee Cave Survey strives to maintain high quality cave maps in our database. Therefore the TCS has developed the following criteria for Tennessee cave map submissions, if you choose to add your cave mapping data to the Tennessee Cave Survey for TCS Publications. Review the Tennessee Cave Survey Constitution and By-Laws for additional information concerning dissemination of TCS Cave Files information.

For a cave defined as a natural cavity to qualify and be included in the Tennessee Cave Survey database one of the following measurement requirements must be met or exceeded: Horizontal Length of 50 feet, Total Vertical extent of 40 feet, or a Pit Depth of 30 feet.

The Tennesse Cave Survey requires new cave maps for publication be at least Grade 5 Survey Quality. Cave maps submitted for TCS publication must be clean, sharp, camera ready copies or originals using standard map symbols established by the NSS.

For Cave Report Forms to be accepted, a copy of the topographic map with the EXACT cave location pinpointed on the topo copy must accompany the report form. A cave name should never exceed 20 characters and can not contain apostrophes.

The Tennessee Cave Survey encourages creative and imaginative drafting styles. The cave maps scale can be in feet or meters, depending on the survey units. The North Arrow should indicate either true or magnetic north. NOTE: Most maps use magnetic north to avoid adjusting the compass data.

Cave maps should NOT include any location information such as county, topo location, latitude/longitude or any hand lettering (unless artistic). Maps drawn on graph paper will be accepted.

Universal Information to be include on a Cave Map
Cave Name Cartographers Name, Copyright
TCS Number Date
Scale (feet or meters) Profiles/Cross Sections
Surveyed Length Pit Depth
North Arrow Survey Grade
Ceiling Heights Horizontal Lengths
Cave Surveyors Names Vertical Extent

Member who have questions or comments concerning map standards or submissions email Gerald Moni or Bruce Zerr.